This year The Kirkside Bar decided to hold a Festive Perth & Kinross FoodBank collection in the bar and asked customers to donate items that were in shortage at the foodbank.
Several customers donated bags full of items and we would like to give a special thank you to a regular who wishes to remain anonymous, for a £50 donation and also to Direct Shine, for donating £50 to the cause – very much appreciated.
Using the money donated mentioned above, and a matched contribution from The Kirkside, we donated a variety of items that the foodbank was particularly in need of – shower gel, instant mash, cooking sauces & rice, to name a few.
Bar Manager, Alan, personally did the food shop in Asda and dropped off the collection directly at the FoodBank.

The Perth & Kinross FoodBank play an incredibly valuable role within our community, by providing emergency food supplies and support to families in need. It is even busier than usual this year due to the energy price crisis that we are currently facing.
The foodbank is a project funded by local churches and community groups, working together towards stopping hunger in our local area.
Alan Cameron, Bar Manager said, “We believe we should all play our part to help local communities in need & nobody should go hungry over the festive period.
We are delighted to support the foodbank with a donation that we know will support families in need over Christmas.
Thank you once again to all of our customers who donated, with a special thank you to Direct Shine and an anonymous regular.”
If you would like to support the FoodBank please visit their website, by clicking here, to find out what food they are in shortage of and where you can drop your donation off.
The foodbank is located at 11 Cutlog Vennel, Perth City Centre.